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Activstars Instructor

Austin Boston thinks Frosted Flakes are GRRREAT as well as Tacos. He’s done a 24-hour movie marathon with his family mostly likely binging on Star Wars. His favorite color has gotta be black since he too enjoys the adventures of the cape crusader, Batman!

Austin Young

Clases Impartidas


Carver Dual

I have been involved with ACTIVSTARS since 2010.  I began as a student with my brothers and sister when I was 12 years old.  It did not take very long before I was hooked and I began to realize how big of an impact ACTIVSTARS Karate would have on my life.  In 2015, I received my 1st Degree Black Belt.  I continued to train and in 2022 received my 2nd Degree.  Shortly after my 2nd Degree I was hired as an Instructor.  My martial arts style is predominantly Shotokan Karate.

Through ACTIVSTARS I have gained confidence, self-discipline, respect, and have been challenged to push myself beyond my boundaries.  I am fortunate to have Hanshi Ray Wright as a mentor.  He has committed himself to teaching students for over 20 years.  I would not have grown as a young man the way I did without his guidance.  My goal as an instructor for ACTIVSTARS is to help children develop their character and gain self-defense skills all while having fun!

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