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Activstars Instructor

Fun fact coming soon!

Colby Lalli

Classes Taught


CURRENT RANKS: 5th Dan Kenpo Karate; Hanshi Rank with ActivStars Athletics

OTHER CERTIFICATIONS: CPR, AED, Concussion and First Aid Certified.

PROFILE/BACKGROUND/EXPERIENCE: I am the ActivStars Athletics Karate Supervisor for the Midwest Region. My focus is the supervision, training and development of our martial arts instructors. I oversee the KC Metro, St. Louis, Iowa/Nebraska, Topeka and Wichita areas where we have classes. I was one of the first hires by Shihan Kraig Hollingworth in 1995, when he opened up the MO/KS region.

I retired as a Patrol Sergeant from the Blue Springs Police Department in 2023 after 28 years of service to my community. I enjoy travelling with my wife and taking road trips on our Harley Davidson.

My martial arts training began in 1981 in Blue Springs, MO.   As a practitioner and teacher in Kenpo Karate, I have also trained in various other martial arts. I am currently a 5th Degree Black Belt and was the Chief Instructor at my ACTIVSTARS home dojo in Blue Springs from 1995 – 2015.  In 2015 I turned over the lead teaching duties to one of my capable black belts.

Quote or Motto: Don’t think. FEEL. It’s like a finger pointing at the moon. Do not concentrate on the finger, or you will miss all of the heavenly glory.” – Bruce Lee

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